(Out of Date) BYoN & NaaS -Tips & Cheat Sheet

Lex Luther
5 min readDec 20, 2020

*** NOTE: BYoN nodes are on hold till further notice and can’t be submitted. Document for historical use only…….

Tips and Cheat sheet for preparing your new nodes.

In this guide you will find……




This is piece was created to help give you information and knowledge that will be helpful during both the setup and ongoing interaction with your nodes.

PuTTY is a free terminal emulator. Download the 64 or 32 bit version, depending on your computer by clicking here. Essentially it allows you to use your monitor, keyboard an mouse to access the Ubuntu operating system on your VPS server remotely.

Place your VPS IP in the ‘Host Name’, field, keep port 22, and click ‘Open’

Place a name for your node in ‘Saved Sessions’ and click ‘Save.’ This makes it much easier to access your nodes at a later date.

When you enter your password, it is hidden and appears that nothing is typed. Simply enter the password, and hit enter.

Node Dash Board

20 Nodes on 1 Dashboard, Performance, Terminal Access, & More

Want a better & easier way to access you VPS units?

  • 20 VPS per Dashboard. As many Dashboards as you need…..
  • Terminal Access. Without needing to log into each separately
  • Performance information at a glance

One part of setting up the Dashboard is changing the ‘name’ of your VPS unit, so you can tell your units apart from one another easily. If you have already setup your nodes you may already have a ‘naming’ system in place. If not, I recommend using a # in the beginning of the name.

For example, I use “Node_1-ETH1-L-US” for my first node.

This tells me it is node #1, on ETH1.0, Contabo L plan, and based in US.


  1. Log into your main VPS unit (your ‘login’ unit for the next 19 nodes too)
  2. Run the following commands, one by one. Confirming “Y” when needed
  • sudo hostnamectl set-hostname NAME-THIS-NODE-HERE
  • sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
  • sudo apt-get autoclean
  • sudo install cockpit
  • sudo ufw allow 9090/tcp

3. (Only use step #3 on the ‘main’ unit you will access the dashboard with)

  • sudo passwd root -u

4. Repeat Step # 2 for the remainder of your VPS units, then proceed…

You’re now ready to access the dash board using you ‘Main” VPS unit.

(You will likely see a warming page — Click Advanced & proceed if so)

  1. Paste (using your VPS IP) into a browser
Make sure to check the ‘Reuse…” box
  • Log in using : root user & password for your VPS
  • Select ‘Accounts’, then your non-root account
  • On your user account, select the ‘Server Administrator’ box

2. Let’s try out the built-in ‘Terminal’ to lock your root account back up…

  • Select ‘Terminal’ on the left menu
  • You should see root@Your-Node-Name (If not, click reset on top right)
  • Run cmd: sudo passwd root -l (To lock your root account)

3. Now log out, then log back in with your standard user account

4. Bookmark this page for future use in your borwser

5. Next, add the rest of your VPS units using their IP address…..

  • Click ‘Dashboard’ then the ‘+’
And that it… Your VPS units on one Dashboard

When you visit the StrongBlock App you will be prompted to connect your wallet. As it will only ask you once to do this, it is highly recommended to first create as many wallets as you will have for nodes, with room for growth.

If you have already connected a wallet, and need to add additional wallets, follow the instructions that follow.

First, you will need to ‘disconnect’ all wallets already attached to the Strong App.

Click the 3 ‘dots’, then ‘Connected Sites.’

Delete the ‘app.strongblock.com’ on each of your connected wallets.

Now refresh the StrongBlock App and you will be prompted to connect your wallets.

Select ‘ALL’, and ensure the wallets are all selected.

Navigating StrongBlock App with multiple wallets……

MetaMask uses the pop-up window by default, which can be time consuming and limits the ability to easily maneuver some functionality.

I find it is much easier to open both a pop-up as well as a browser window.

Click the 3 ‘dots’, then ‘Expand View.’

Now you can more easily change between wallets and explore pending transactions using the browser MetaMask.

Remember to refresh the App page after changing wallets in MetaMask…….

more to come……..

Articles in this Series, click any to go there……

  1. BYoN — Get Ready
  2. BYoN — Setting Up Your Domain
  3. BYoN — Setting Up Your VPS
  4. Tips & Cheat sheet (This article)
Krypto Lex



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